
The Board will address all submitted complaints in a timely manner.  Violators are subject to action by the Board as prescribed by the By-Laws, SVM Bill of Assurances (BOA) and /or Rules of Conduct and Safety. Any Complainant has the option to contact a Board member to assist with the completion of a Complaint Form, and the choice to remain anonymous if they so wish.


1. Submit your specific complaint via email to or Board President
2. The Board will research to ensure complaint is in violation of SVM BOA, By-Laws, Rules of Conduct and Safety, as well as City County, and State Laws and Ordinances.
3. If Board finds the complaint to be valid, selected Board members will meet with POA Member in violation to discuss a resolution.
4. Findings and actions will be documented.
5. The SVM Member bringing complaint will be notified in writing of Board’s decision.

Submitting Your Complaint

To submit a complaint to the Spring Valley Manor (SVM) Property Owner’s Association Board (Board), please email your specific complaint to either: